I was born in San Diego, California to a military family that moved around for a majority of my younger years. Luckily, my family was stationed back in San Diego for my high school years. I grew up there playing football and running to the beach as often as possible. I never found myself to be a mathematical genius, however I did find myself consistantly asking question on the way the world worked. I was pushed to take AP Chemisty by one of the most influental teachers of my younger years, Jeff Bush. It was there I learned the scientific processes in which my question could be answered. I joined the FIRST robotics team and spent the ensuing years of high school building robots with potato cannons and frisbee launching mechanisms.

Upon my graduation, my family moved out to South Carolina, and I followed them by attending the University of South Carolina's Computer Engineering program to further learn to answer my questions.

Link to my research and postings